The Gospel of Matthew shows Jesus sending out the Twelve Apostles, empowering them to carry out his work. Their example inspires us to offer our lives for the Lord's service today.
December 4, 2021 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Light is so important to us as we rely on our sense of sight. Yet there is also spiritual sight that guides us always...and so we welcome Christ our light!
December 3, 2021 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The first reading from Isaiah and the Gospel of Matthew inspire us to trust in the Lord as we listen to Christ and act on his word.
December 2, 2021 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The readings today all point to a time of fulfillment and hope. The "mountain of the Lord" or the "house of the Lord" or even the healing and restoration made possible by all looks to our final destination where the Lord Jesus Christ reigns supreme!
December 1, 2021 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The centurion in the Gospel of Matthew reveals his trust in the healing power of Jesus Christ. Familiar with the role of authority, this soldier places himself under the command of us a powerful example of how we offer our lives in the service of the Lord.
November 29, 2021 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Here's a quick look at the themes for the readings for the 2nd Sunday of Advent.
November 29, 2021 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The exhortation in the First Letter of St. Paul to the Thessalonians inspires us to cultivate hearts that are full of God's love. What a great way to enter into the season of Advent!
November 28, 2021 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Here are some of the themes for the readings for the 1st Sunday of Advent.
November 22, 2021 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The birth of John the Baptist continues to build up expectation as we await the coming of the Messiah. God is constantly doing something new; do we see the Lord's hand at work in our lives today?
December 23, 2020 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Mary's "magnificat" evokes within us a desire to praise God as we recognize that the Lord sustains us throughout our lives.
December 22, 2020 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The encounter between Mary and Elizabeth offers and example where faith and fellowship intersect. We support each other in so many can we lift each other up to God today?
December 21, 2020 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The exchange between Mary and the Angel Gabriel inspires us to respond to God with a full and open heart. May it be done! Fiat!
December 19, 2020 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Zechariah's response to the angel Gabriel reveals a common human trait to doubt good news. May we confront this behavior in our hearts as we seek recognize the Lord at work in our lives each and every day.
December 19, 2020 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
St. Joseph speaks no words in the Gospels; all we "hear" are the actions he carries out. May his example inspire us to live out our faith with similar intensity and conviction.
December 18, 2020 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The beginning of the Gospel of Matthew outlines the genealogy of Jesus, showing how God remains faithful throughout salvation history while working with broken and fragile people. May the Lord's family tree inspire us to see Christ at work in our lives as well.
December 17, 2020 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Isaiah the prophet reveals how God takes the initiative as creator and redeemer, inviting us to turn to the Lord in our need and count our blessings every day.
December 16, 2020 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The Psalm response reminds us that God is near to those who call out for help in times of need.
December 15, 2020 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The psalm response helps us to acknowledge our need in humility as we call upon God for insight and guidance.
December 14, 2020 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The Gospel reveals how John the Baptist was sent to testify to Christ, the Light of the world. Following John's example, we are called to testify to the that others will find Christ in our words and actions.
December 12, 2020 - St. William Catholic Church - Foxboro, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Isaiah reminds us that the Lord teaches and leads us, offering guidance and insight to help us find our way through this life to the next.
December 11, 2020 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Isaiah proclaims God's power and might, offering help in our time of need and renewing of strength.
December 10, 2020 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The prophet Isaiah reminds us that when we place our hope in the Lord we will have a strength that does not fade.
December 9, 2020 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The joyful proclamation of the prophet Isaiah brings hope and strength to our hearts.
December 7, 2020 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Isaiah and John the Baptist urge the people to prepare their hearts and make a straight path that leads to God.
December 5, 2020 - St. William Catholic Church - Foxboro, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The readings today proclaim the abundant blessings we receive from the Lord...inspiring us to share this abundance with those around us.
December 5, 2020 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -