As Jesus is baptized, the Father's voice is heard from Heaven, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." May these words inspire us to live our lives in a way that is pleasing to the Lord.
January 09, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
As the Magi encounter the Christ child in Bethlehem, their example inspires us to continue our daily journey to Jesus, guided by the Lord's light through this life to our Heavenly home.
January 8, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Let's explore some of the themes in the readings for the Epiphany of the Lord.
January 2, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
As the shepherds describe what had been revealed to them by the angel, Mary kept all these things and reflected on them in her heart. May her example lead us into our own reflections on her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, as we put our faith into practice.
January 1, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph offers us an example of family life and inspires us to reach out to our own families with the love of the Lord.
December 30, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Here are some of the themes for the readings for the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.
December 26, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
There are FOUR different options for Mass Readings on the Feast of Christmas! As it depends on the Mass you attend (and the preference of the presider) I will limit my reflection to the Gospel readings.
December 19, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
To all who have a special devotion to the Blessed Mother, happy feast day! May her example inspire us to draw closer to her Son!
December 12, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
In the fullness of time, God sent his Son, born of the Virgin Mary, to save and set us free from the original sin of Adam and Eve. May Mary's "fiat" inspire us to cooperate with divine grace as we offer our lives for the Lord today.
December 8, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The call of Andrew, along with Peter, James and John reveals God's initiative in our lives. As St. Paul reminds us, we are all called and sent by the Lord so that others may hear the Good News.
November 30, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The words of the Dismas (the "good thief") in the Gospel of Luke echo in our hearts as we claim Jesus Christ as our King: "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom!"
November 20, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Here are some of the main themes in the readings for the solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
November 14, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
St. Paul's reminds the people of Corinth that each of us is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Our care and custody of this "sacred space" reveals our awareness of God's presence and our desire to be an inspiring example to one another.
November 9, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
There are many options for the readings at Mass on this feast of All Souls. If they sound familiar, chances are you've heard them at more than one funeral. May our prayers this day be directed to those who gone before us...may they rest in peace.
November 2, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The saints inspires and encourage us to embrace our faith in Christ as we face the challenges of life. May we live our days on earth so as to be ready to join them in Heaven!
November 1, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Jesus sends out 72 disciples on mission to proclaim the Kingdom of God. May their example inspire our witness to continue this mission today.
October 18, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
In the sight of the angels we carry out our spiritual battles, calling upon heaven for the grace and strength we need...singing God's praises and following the Lord through this life to the next.
September 29, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Through the example of St. Matthew, Christ demonstrates his desire to call sinners to newness of life.
September 21, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
On this feast of the Holy Cross, we recall God's unfathomable love for the world. May the cherished words of John's Gospel inspire us to run to the Cross of Christ and receive his lavish grace of forgiveness, mercy and compassion.
September 14, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
On this feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we see how God worked through the Holy Family, and recognizing how the Lord works through our own.
September 8, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Psalm 145 proclaims the marvels of God's might, and the response reminds us to echo this Good News to all the world.
August 24, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Mary proclaims her great Magnificat in Luke's Gospel, giving praise to God who does mighty things through our lowly lives. May her words inspire us to offer our lives to the Lord!
August 15, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Mary Magdalene is the first disciple to meet the Risen Lord, and she is empowered by Christ to proclaim the resurrection to the Apostles.
July 22, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
They are two of the brightest lights in the communion of Saints, yet these very sinful, fallible men can inspire us to follow their example as we turn away from our past sins and embrace a future guided by the grace of Jesus Christ.
June 29, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary offers us an opportunity to reflect on the extreme range of emotions she encountered, particularly sorrow. The Blessed Mother had many experiences to ponder in her heart; may her intercession lead us to the Cross of her Son.
June 25, 2022 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andew Ricci -