The Lord takes a teachable moment to direct his disciples to seek greatness through the service of others with a humble heart.
August 26, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
When tested by a scholar of the law, Jesus quotes Scripture and offers two Commandments as a summary of all the rest. Our task? To love the Lord and one another!
Jesus offers a parable to illustrate God's generous grace in our lives.
August 23, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The Lord teaches a tough message, that "it will be hard for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven." Yet when we focus on our faith in Christ, God makes it possible for us to use the gifts of wealth and power as wise stewards who promote the Good News in the world.
August 22, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The Book of Judges outlines an emerging pattern in the children of Israel. For a time they draw close to the Lord, and then they fall away into temptation. Yet through it all the Lord continues to be present, raising up judges to guide the people into right relationship with God.
August 21, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Let's explore some of the themes in the Mass readings for the 21st Sunday of the Year.
August 21, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The readings on this 20th Week of the Year reveal God's providence to foreigners, Gentiles, and people of different cultural, linguistic, and ethnic backgrounds. As members of this vast family, may we foster ties of community and friendship as we shine with the light of faith in the world.
August 19, 2023 - St. Anthony Catholic Church - Lake Nebagamon
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Having given a quick recap of salvation history at Shechem, Joshua now puts before the people a crucial choice about God. May we, like Joshua, boldly proclaim, "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord!"
August 19, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
At Shechem, a town that has geographical and historical significance, Joshua holds a great assembly of the leaders of Israel and recalls God's saving works on their behalf.
August 18, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Joshua, who was formerly the right hand of Moses, now leads the children of Israel over the Jordan River and into the Promised Land.
August 17, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Moses gazes upon the Promised Land before he dies, seeing how God has brought to fulfillment the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This "Holy Land" thus forms the context of salvation history, culminating in the saving work of Jesus Christ.
August 16, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Moses offers an exhortation, calling the people to adhere to the commandments that God has given them for their own good.
August 14, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Here are some of the main themes in the Mass readings for the 20th Sunday of the Year.
August 14, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
St. Paul speaks of sorrow and anguish about his own people who have rejected the Good News, echoing a similar pain that many people today express about their own loved ones. How do we move forward? By prayer and personal witness of God's grace in our lives.
August 13, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Moses offers the great commandment - which Jesus says is the greatest of all - that we love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and strength.
August 12, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Moses reminds the people of God's mighty actions on their behalf, exhorting them to follow the Lord's commandments and decrees all the days of their lives.
August 11, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
After reconnoitering the promised land and finding it fruitful, the scouts begin to raise doubts about the strength and ferocity of the people living there.
August 9, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
At the resentful complaint of Aaron and Miriam about Moses, God responds with anger and punishment, reminding us that jealousy is an ugly vice to guard against at all times.
August 8, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
As the children of Israel complain about the lack of food in the wilderness, Moses speaks directly to the Lord about his frustration and exhaustion.
August 7, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Let's explore some of the themes in the readings for Mass on this 19th Sunday of the Year.
August 7, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The Lord sets before the children of Israel the guidelines for a jubilee year, where wrongs are righted and relationships are restored.
August 5, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
God prescribes sacred days to Moses, exhorting the people to keep these moments in time as set apart to worship and honor the Lord.
August 4, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The children of Israel, guided on their journey by Moses, follow the Lord in the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night.
August 3, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Moses stands before God and then goes out to the people (radiant in appearance) to speak the Lord's message to the children of Israel.
August 2, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Moses pleads on behalf of the people for the Lord's forgiveness.
August 1, 2023 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -