Adam and Eve experience the natural consequences of sin as they face new challenges in their lives and leave the Garden of Eden; Jesus looks on the crowd with pity and responds to the natural consequences of their needs with compassion - inspiring us to face the consequences of our own sins with the compassion of Christ.
February 11, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The temptation of Adam & Eve illustrates for us how sin can erode our relationships with God and one another. As we come to understand their temptation, we seek the Lord in our moments of trial, asking for the grace (and when necessary, forgiveness) of Jesus Christ.
February 10, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
A Greek woman who is Syrophoenician by birth expresses a mother's love through her simple and direct faith in the healing power of Christ. Her one line response to Jesus inspires us to embrace our faith with conviction and power as we face the challenges in our lives.
February 9, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Jesus points out that it is within our hearts that destruction and defilement take place. The solution? Turn away from sin, making a change of heart so that the grace of Christ can make us whole.
February 8, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Jesus reminds us in the Gospel of Mark that we are called to keep our focus fixed on God, so that all our actions - big or small - do not take on a life of their own but always point back to the Lord.
Jesus proclaims to his disciples that they are the light of the world, an uplifting testament to the opportunity we have to make a difference in our world as we offer the gift of our lives to God.
February 5, 2017 - St. William Catholic Church - Foxboro, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Christ, the Great Shepherd, looks upon our weakness with compassion and reaches out to guide and strengthen us for the journey through this life and into the next.
February 4, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The death of John the Baptist recalls the fact that doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason does NOT mean that life will always be easy. In fact, our faith in Jesus Christ will sometimes put us squarely in the face of opposition...and we recognize that we might suffer even as we serve the Lord with all our heart.
February 3, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
As Mary and Joseph presented their infant son in the Temple, they encounter Simeon and Anna who give praise to God for the fulfillment of the Lord's promises - the Messiah has come bringing light into the world! As his disciples may we continue to share this light as we present ourselves for service to God and one another.
February 2, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
In the Book of Hebrews we are reminded to treat our trials as discipline, something that Jesus encountered when he preached at Nazareth. As we live our faith today may we consider our struggles and difficulties as "homework for holiness" through which God strengthens our faith and renews us in grace.
February 1, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The two healing miracles in the Gospel of Mark today reveal the healing power of the Lord, inspiring us to draw near to the one who knows our need and longs to touch our hearts with his grace.
January 31, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Humility happens when we are simultaneously aware of our sins and acknowledge God's grace. When we bring together this understanding of our sinfulness and God's mercy we can be honest with ourselves and thus approach the Lord and others with a humble heart.
January 28, 2017 - St. William Catholic Church - Foxboro, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Both St. Paul and Jesus teach about the crucial role of faith, and their words inspire us to trust in the Lord as we follow God's call.
January 28, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Jesus speaks of the Kingdom of Heaven as a mustard seed that grows slowly and steadily, reminding us to be open to the Lord's grace in our lives that we continue to grow to full stature as disciples of Christ.
January 27, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
We are invited to stir into flame the gift of our faith, allowing the grace of God to work in and through our lives with the Light of Christ.
January 26, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
St. Paul's conversion shows how God calls us to make changes in our lives as we draw close to Jesus Christ and proclaim the Good News. The Lord reaches out to us in our weakness, inspiring us to turn away from our sins and become living witnesses to the world.
January 25, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Jesus teaches in the Gospel today that all who do God's will are part of his family. Through prayer, Scripture, sacraments and fellowship we become spiritually fruitful as we offer our lives to the Lord.
January 24, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
We know firsthand the different types of darkness that occur in daily life: fear, grief, loss, pain, anger, loneliness, rejection and doubt. In these moments we call upon the Lord - who casts out the darkness - so that we can live in the Light of Christ.
January 22, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The Book of Hebrews proclaims that we are cleansed by the blood of Christ - which fills us with grace to live each day as a precious and holy gift.
January 21, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Calling his disciples, the Lord appointed and sent Twelve to preach the Good News and drive out demons. Christ continues to call apostles today, inviting us to continue his mission on earth...with our eyes fixed on heaven.
January 20, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The Book of Hebrews reminds us that we have a great high priest, Jesus Christ, who has offered his once-for-all sacrifice on our behalf. Through our encounter with the Lord, may our lives be touched by his grace as we live our faith in the world.
January 19, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Fr. Andrew discusses with his sister Amy (on her birthday no less!) a healing miracle, and they examine two key points about our intention and perspective as we live our faith in Christ.
January 18, 2017 - recorded while on vacation in Fishers, IN
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
The readings reference two of the great covenants God made with the people of Israel through Abraham and David. These covenants, which the Lord does not revoke, find their fulfillment and purpose in Jesus.
January 17, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
Isaiah, Paul, and John the Baptist all respond to the Lord's call for their lives. Their example inspires us to listen to our hearts, to others and to the Lord so that we might proclaim, like the response in the psalm today, "Hear am I Lord, I come to do your will!"
January 15, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -
We discover from the Letter to the Hebrews and the Gospel of Mark three powerful insights about the Lord which can inspire us to draw near to the one who knows us and meets us where we are in life...that we might grow in grace.
January 14, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI
Fr. Andrew Ricci -